Who are singing lessons for


    • Office workers, professionals of all types, lawyers, bankers, salespeople, secretaries, doctors, physical therapists, people who do yoga, or tai chi or other martial arts, or other mind-body or wellness practices, or do sports, or dance, or acting, or visual arts, or work with children, or have children (or one day might have children)
    • People who are already singing in a choir or performing in musical theater and want to go deeper, learn more, understand better what they are doing, sing more fully, beautifully, powerfully, with greater ease, less strain, greater volume, wider range, higher high notes, richer low notes—who want to discover and develop the glory of their voice
    • People who play in bands, sing folk music, write songs, or are accomplished instrumentalists who never learned to sing, or who are self-taught singers—who want to go deeper, learn more, expand their capabilities, develop their instrument and their vocal and expressive gifts
    • People who lead prayer services—rabbis, cantors, hazzanim, ba’alei tefila, leyners, any kind of clergy or lay leaders—who want to do so more beautifully, more effectively, more easily, more inspiringly
    • People who have retired and now have time to invest in themselves, to explore their creativity after years of working and taking care of families and meeting others’ needs
    • Professional (or aspiring professional) singers who have already had years of training and are excited to work with a dynamic teacher with a sensitive ear and a creative, detailed, yet inspiring, supportive and non-judgmental approach, to re-explore the fundamentals of breath support and vocal function at a sophisticated level and further develop the power and nuance of their interpretation and performance

How do I know if this might be for me? 

If you have been feeling that something is missing in your life or your current technique or musical activities, and have thought about looking for someone to help you access greater creative inspiration, clarity and inner direction; who can provide general guidance and support as well as specific expertise; be a sounding board, another pair of ears, a mirror; who can spark or nurture your inner fire and help your develop your gifts.

If, when you read this, you experience a feeling of “Yes! This is it!”, a sense that you may possibly have found what you have been searching for, wishing for, wondering where to turn to to find, the next step in your path, a facilitator for your gifts, someone who can help you fulfill you potential as a singer, the inspiration you’ve been seeking, the fun and creative next thing that will add spice and an infusion of delight and joy to your hard-working life.

If you feel excited, inspired and enthusiastic about exploring something new, full of anticipation about what this might turn out to be for you and where it might lead you.

If any of the above resonates with you, this may be the perfect moment to write me a note and share what your imagination and inspiration are calling to you to explore. I look forward to hearing from you.

Discover the joy of a beautiful, free singing voice